Public Works & Engineering
Storm Water, Construction Management and Final Map Reviews
comprehensive services
Highly Qualified Staff with an Outstanding Track Record of Service
WC³ has the expertise and resources to partner effectively with your jurisdiction on Public Works and Civil Engineering projects. Our team is highly qualified with an exceptional track record of service. We assist municipalities with comprehensive engineering services including, but not limited to…
- Staff Augmentation
- Capital Improvement Projects
- Private Development Plan Review
- Construction Management
- Project Close Out
- Inspections

Our Team Collaborates with all City, County and State Agencies to Ensure Projects are Reviewed and Managed Proficiently
- Assist the design team in identifying “deal breakers” during the early phases of the project.
- Provide all services in a timely and cost-effective manner.
- Provide the highest level of customer service to city staff, departments and stakeholders.
- Balance the need to ensure conformance to standards and regulations with the need for predictability, uniformity and efficiency.

Custom Check List
Itemized Plans at Project Commencement to Better Server Public Agencies
Plan Review Services includes the following:
- Rough and Precise Grading Plans
- Hydrology/Hydraulic Studies
- Utility Plans & Profiles
(Storm Drain, Sanitary Sewer, Water, Electric, and Gas) - Off-site Improvements and Encroachment Permits
- Sediment and Erosion Control Plans
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs)
- Construction Details
- Demolition Plans
- Construction Cost Estimates
- Design and Implement Contingency Cost Percentage

Plan Review
We Review the Plans and Supporting Documents for Compliance with the Following:
- Geotechnical Recommendations
- Hydraulics and Hydrology Calculation and Reports
- Municipal Code, City Design Guidelines and Standards, or other City Procedures and Policies
- Community Plans (Specific Plan, General Plan)
- Caltrans Standards
- CEQA & Other Environmental Documents
- Final/Parcel Map & Subdivision Map Act
- National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits
- Other Regional Agency Requirements (as they relate to infrastructure needs)
- ADA Compliance
- Traffic Engineer Design, Studies, and Parking Issues
Industry Standards

Our Team is Trained and Experienced in the Following:
- Rough and Precise Grading Plans
- NPDES Compliance, Specialized in Provision C.3 Compliance (MRP)
- Hydro-Management (HM), Certifed Third Party Reviewer
- Construction Site Compliance for Water Quality Protection
- Manual on Uniform Traffc Control Devices (MUTCD)
- State General Construction Permit (QSD’s/QSP’s on staff)
- Caltrans Standard Specifcations and Standard Plans
- Local, State, and Federally Funded Projects.
- Caltrans Local Assistance Program and Procedures.
- Subdivision Maps Act & Land Surveyor’s Act
- Industry Standards
- Asphalt Resurfacing Projects
- Sidewalk Repair Programs
staff augmentation
Through our Staff Augmentation service, we make it cost effective for municipalities to fulfill their staffing needs. Certified professionals are available full-time, part-time or for specific projects only.
synergy is key
Time is money and at WC³, we understand that synergy builds a better community. We know that schedules are tight and budgets are strict. A plan review performed by our licensed engineers will provide a full and complete analysis before projects even get off the ground.
pro-active solutions
Our expert team will serve as your problem solvers. For many years, we’ve been identifying challenges in communities, just like yours, and providing pro-active solutions. We’re proud to help build attractive, sustainable and cost-effective communities for the citizens who live in them to enjoy.

Contact Us

San Ramon: 925.275.1700
So. San Francisco: 650.754.6353
Oakland: 925.548.2648
Fresno: 559.869.7670
Oceanside: 760.730.5690

Layton: 801.547.8133
Sandy: 801.547.8133

Lynnwood: 425.582.1719

Meridian: 253.225.9977

Sparks: 775.560.6512